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Cuerpo Consular de Aragon


AREA DIDATTICA E RICERCAServizio Ricerca e InternazionalizzazioneUfficio Relazioni Internazionali


Item 1: Description and objectives

In order to enhance the internationalizationprocess, the University of Insubria will be offering up to 10 scholarships to highly talented prospective international students (UE or non UE) wishing to enrollin afirst or second cycledegreeprogram(either taught in Italian or English language) during the academic year 2020-2021. The scholarship program is highly selective: only candidates showing the highest achievements maybe granted with suchscholarship. Successful students will be expected to act as ambassadors of the University of Insubriaand to represent the Institutionat a number of events.

Item 2: International students

International Students are those who reside outside Italy at the time of the application and have attained (or are going to attain)their secondary schooldiploma or university qualification outside Italy.

Item 3: Duration and economic conditions

University of Insubria grants10scholarships, each oneamounting to €10.000,00 before taxes (and any other dutiesor fees applicable according to Italian laws).The Scholarship is granted for one (1) academic year and will be paid in two (2) instalments of € 5.000,00each.

The grants will be awarded to international studentsenrolling in Italian or English taught first and second cycle degrees.

Scholarships cannot be combined with any other national or international grant awarded by foreign or Italian institutions. Candidates are required, under their own responsibility, to notify promptly to the International Office ( any incompatibility with other scholarships.However, starting from thesecond year of enrollment, beneficiaries may access any other opportunity offered by the University.

Beneficiary students must attend courses, take exams, and pass at least 40ECTS credits by the end of the summer session of exams (September30th,2021).

Reimbursement of travel, insurance, accommodation or other costs are not included in International Excellence Scholarships and will not be provided by the University of Insubria.Nevertheless, the University of Insubria gives offsite students the chance to apply for afreeaccommodation in one of the campuses in Varese or Comowithin the limits of the availabilityof places.

Item 4: Requirements

In order to apply to the scholarship, applicants must:

1)be international students, as defined in item

2;2)commit toregularly enroll, for the academic year 2020/21, in afirst or second cycle degree program oftheUniversity of Insubria;

3)demonstrate a final qualificationgrade not less than the 80%of the maximum possible final grade in the country where the qualification has been awarded;

4)(for candidatesattending the finalyear of thesecondaryschool)demonstrate he/she belongsto the top 20% of his/her class by an official document issued by his/her school, such as a statement signed and stamped by his/her school, a reference letter, a class ranking certificate, etc.

5)be able to comply with the conditions for obtaining a visafor study purposein Italy(if requested byItalian laws);

Item 5:Selection criteria and application

A special Examining Committee nominated by the Rector will draw up a list of eligible candidates based on the sum of points awarded through assessment ofapplicants’academic record, curriculum vitae and motivation letter.The Committee can assign 30 points as follows:

-Academic Records:max 20 points

-Curriculum vitae (work, research or study experience):max 5 points

-Motivation letter:max 5 points

Candidates who after this phase of assessment are awarded a score less than 21/30are not eligible.

The ranking of the candidates, indicating the winners, will be published on the University website and communicated to the applicantswithin May 31st, 2020; should any of them renounce, the scholarship will be awarded to the next student in the rank. After publication of the results, students have to confirm acceptance of the scholarship within 7 working days.

Item 6:Application

Applications must include:

• Secondary School Diploma or Bachelor Degree Diplomaor (for Item 4 n. 3 case) School statement

• The Transcript of the achieved records

• The curriculum vitae, also statingprofessional experiences

• a motivation letter

All supporting documents must be uploaded through the i-STUD portal. Failure to meet one or more of the above mentioned conditions implies the impossibility to be granted the scholarship.

Applications have to besubmitted through the i-STUD online portal having created a personal account on:

(click on the menu and choose the English version) starting fromFebruary 1st, 2020.

The deadline for application isApril 30th, 202012 am(Italian time).

The university will not take any responsibility for the dispersion of notices due to a wrong indication of contacts or due to the change in contact details indicated in the application. Applicationslacking applicants’ signature will be inadmissible.

Item 7-Payment arrangements and maintenance requirements

Scholarship will be paid in two (2) instalments. The first instalment will be released to the beneficiary studentwithin 60 days from the enrollment,only upon:

1. completion of the enrolment procedures at the University of Insubria;

2. opening of an Italian bank account or pre-paid credit card with an IBAN registered or co-registered in the student’s name;

3. signature of the Declaration of acceptance, where the beneficiary student commits himself to accept the scholarship terms and confirms he/she does not fall within any of the conditions of incompatibility established in Item 3of this call for applications;

The second instalment will be released to the beneficiary student upon achievement of at least 12 ECTS by 28thFebruary 2021. In case of enrolment with recognition of previous studies, credits earned during a previous university career cannot be taken into account for the achievement of the expected maintenance requirements.

Item 8—Scholarship revocation

The University of Insubria has the right to revoke the scholarships in the following cases:

1. if the beneficiary student does not obtain at least 40 ECTS credits by the end of the summer session of exams (September 30th, 2021);in case of enrolment with recognition of previous studies, credits earned during a previous university career cannot be taken into account for the achievement of the expectedmaintenance requirements.

2. if the beneficiary student decides to transfer to another University or withdraw from his /her studies.

In the above cases, the beneficiary student shall refund thefullamount of the scholarship already received. Particular situations, duly substantiated, will be evaluated by the Rectorof the University of Insubria.

Item9—Final Provisions

Personal data will be processed pursuant to the principles and provisions of General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 on protection of privacy and exclusively for the purposes of managing the procedure.According to the GDPR –EU Regulation 2016/679 the information on data processingis published on the institutional website.

Withoutprejudice to the penal sanctions as perart. 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000, should statements emerge to beuntruthful, the beneficiary student will lose the awarded benefit.

The person responsible for the procedure is Dr. Luca Gallo

Head of the International Office.

For further information, please contactthe International Relations Office,

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